Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quote describing poet Matthew Arnold, perhaps a goal to strive for:
"A man of the world entirely free of worldliness and a man of letters without the faintest trace of pedantry."
yes i am still alive to all my faithful readers. so the 2 of you can relax.
i'm on vacation for a week from school. so now is when i make a blog entry, post on facebook and a million other things i can't get thru while studying. my friends get to hear from me every 11 weeks.

this is my geek blog, a place where i can confess all my geekiness.
i'm reading Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview. I'm hoping it will allow me to be able to read other philosophical articles. I especially like Dallas Willard (, but I don't understand half of what he is talking about. I also checked out a book on Logic. I can hear the jokes about my lack of logic already. Hopefully these books will help this philosophical ignoramus.

oh the things i can do when I don't have to study about teeth.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

something that got me thinking

here is a quote i read about how things like facebook, blogs and the internet in general may be affecting our spirituality.

Part of Richard's [Foster, who was speaking about the internet and studying the Bible,] case was that the brevity of presentation that is the nature of Twitter and the quick and sometimes thoughtless posts in blogs and social network sites like Facebook devalue the word. In both cases there really isn't space for a complete, nuanced presentation to be made and, for this reason, as more and more people rely upon them for idea content then thinking will become more trivial and shallow.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What i used to

I was thinking about how what used to be true about us probably says a lot about who we are now.

You see, I recently signed up on Facebook. I told Lisa that I can't make sense of anything that is posted on my wall because I feel like I'm coming into the middle of every conversation. She said that I felt that way because I'm an old guy.

One of my "friends" asked about why I put my full name "Patrick" on my profile. She remembers how when we used to work together that my work email had been patrick.hachee. But everyone knew me as just "pat." So there would be a ton of emails to pat.hachee, mostly requests for me to do more work, that I would never get. This was annoying twice, but GGGreat about a thousand times. So she just figured this same sort of thing happened again I suppose.

So that got me to thinking that having a Facebook profile was going to bring together maybe too many of my worlds. People who used to know me with people who now know me without all the things I choose to leave out about myself for whatever reason.

Like for instance, I now introduce myself as "Patrick" to new people I meet. I decided to do that when we moved back from San Francisco. Why? Some reasons practical, some reasons psychological.
--Most of my life when I have introduced myself as "Pat" people would respond "Hi, Matt." Apparently there aren't as many "Matrick's" around.
--Also, it makes me feel more like a grown up and less like a kid.
--The formality of it gives me a kind of social security-blanket (although this post just ruined that).
--I've never really gotten over the SNL skit "It's Pat," about an androgynous person that aired when I was in junior high.
--I met a group of students from Ireland once and to a person when I introduced myself they would say, "Patrick, now that's quite Irish." For some reason I liked feeling part of their group, probably because I'm actually a very American mix of quite a lot of ancestry, but it felt good to be part of the group.
-- And MOSTLY (and because this post is getting too long), I just like it better.

I must add, that for those who have known me as "Pat," that I don't mind at all, it makes me feel the closeness that a nickname is supposed to suggest in the first place. I must ALSO add that for those who have recently gotten to know me as "Patrick" that I wasn't trying say we wouldn't be close, but rather I was hoping to let you know the best version of myself, which hopefully is the current one. Sometimes people will ask which do I prefer and I'll say either is fine, but really I'm lying, because I prefer Patrick.

Now, what other things used to be true about me? Don't worry, murderer is not one of them. I think this might be my newest question for dinner conversation.
Reasons why I have given up the project of being cool:
1. can't afford the gear
2. i still think adam sandler is the funniest guy on snl
3. tony hawk was 18 when i started trying to be cool
4. i started dental school, got braces and glasses
5. grew up in socal and i cant surf or skate--always destined to be a poser
6. always wondered why baggy pants were so baggy and now why tight pants are so tight
7. its just too much trouble for an old guy
8. once you realize you're trying to be cool, you're not cool